These 15 Foods Will Help Your Hair Grow Faster Gallery

So you got a bad haircut... Maybe that chin-length bob was more drastic than you expected or those bangs were actually a really, really bad idea. However, simply wishing your hair longer is a miserable, dull process. What's worse than watching paint dry? That's right: watching hair grow. Luckily, you won't need to wait much longer before your locks are luscious and long again; with a couple nutrients and some tender loving care, you can nurse your hair back to its former glory. Indeed, food actually can actually help you out with your hair-related turmoil.

Of course, these foods aren't magic — they can't make your hair grow like Rapunzel's. And while you likely won't find the secret to better hair in a slice of avocado toast, these foods will work to nourish your hair from the inside out, so your hair follicles can do their jobs as efficiently as possible.

There are a few key nutrients you should focus on to help your hair thrive. The first is protein, which is an essential building block of your hair cells. The next is biotin, which improves your natural keratin stores to promote strong hair. You'll also want to up your dosage of B vitamins, including B12, B3, and B5. Vitamin A and vitamin C each play a distinct role in promoting healthy blood flow to your scalp, which in turn promotes healthy growth of your hair.

Make sure that alongside these foods, you're also eating enough. Working at a calorie deficit, your body is unlikely to expend its energy on gifting you with luscious locks. Sorry, crash dieters.

Your best bet for encouraging your hair to grow is eating full, nutritious meals with some regularity. Some say that topical applications of nourishing foods and blends could help. Olive oil can help increase the sheen of your hair, as can coconut oil and other healthy fats. But regardless of these exterior appearances and treatments, eating these foods could help give you more hair to work with — faster.


We often think of almonds as a nut, but they're actually botanically a fruit. Regardless of their classification, however, almonds are filled with healthy fats and protein. In addition to the protein your hair needs, almonds provide some biotin. Eat almonds raw, as former President Obama allegedly likes to do, or spread some almond butter on a banana or slice of toast for a healthy, brain-boosting snack.


Cauliflower is typically cooked in the fall, but you can feel good about enjoying it all year round. It's rich with biotin and vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine. Some people use cauliflower as a replacement for potatoes or rice. That likely won't satisfy in the long term, but it could make for a fiber-filled side dish!


Cheese lost any chance of a reputation as a health food when it was stuffed inside pizza crusts, layers of pasta, and other carb-loaded comfort foods. However, cheese is actually filled with enough essential nutrients to be classified as a superfood, including protein and B vitamins. Different types of cheeses contain different vitamins, so ensure you get a variety by making yourself an elaborate cheese board.


Chicken breast not only provides protein, but it also contains hair-helping vitamins such as niacin (also known as vitamin B3) and vitamin B5. Try spicing up boring chicken breast with one of these enticing recipes for a weeknight dinner that won't disappoint.


The yolk of the egg, while potentially high in cholesterol, is the most nutritious part. Egg yolks contain biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. The yolks also supply some folate, which is crucial for DNA replication. The whites of the egg give your body protein — just another reason you might benefit from eating an egg every day! If you're tired of eating them scrambled, here are 50 new and egg-citing ways to make them.


Don't knock it till you try it! Beef liver might turn some people's noses, but it's actually a really nutritious food. Liver is one of the foods with the highest levels of B vitamins per serving. It also contains vitamin A to help support your healthy head of hair. Stop by your local Jewish deli and pick up some chopped liver. Because what are you, chopped liver?!


Most types of edible mushrooms are good for your health in some way or another. Different types of fungi have different nutrients. Portobello mushrooms, for instance, have close to 40 percent of your daily recommended value of vitamin B3 per cooked cup. Mushrooms are also a great source of biotin. Whether you sauté mushrooms into a pasta sauce or pour them in your coffee, your hair will appreciate it.


Snacking on some peaches is guaranteed to leave you feeling peachy — they're brimming with nutrients and natural energy. You'll find both vitamin A and vitamin C in every bite of the stone fruit, along with vitamin B6, niacin, and folate. Buy some frozen slices to throw in an energizing smoothie or bake peaches into a warm, cinnamon-dusted dessert.


Bell peppers of any and all colors contain vitamins A and C in large supply. Sauté them into a stir fry or chop them in a salad. If you're feeling less inclined to spend time on food preparation, simply slice one and eat it — the slices make a great vehicle for hummus!


You might not want to load up on bacon every day at breakfast, but eating pork here and there could actually do your body some good. Bacon is protein-rich and filled with B vitamins, and it contains other rare nutrients. If you do decide to sizzle up a few slices, use this hack to make the perfect bacon without any splatter.


If you're opting for seafood, salmon is undoubtedly one of the healthiest. It's flavorful enough that you don't need a fancy recipe to make a delicious meal out of it; plus, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin B3, and vitamin A, among other nutrients.


Spinach salads and spinach smoothies can both taste great if you know how to make them right. Spinach is a superfood with all kinds of nutrients, from iron to biotin, all of which can help support the health of your hair. If you want your hair to grow faster, opt for dark leafy greens over light, crunchy lettuce.

Sunflower Seeds

This snack food is a classic for baseball games and trail mixes, but there are other delicious ways to eat the seeds, as well. Sun butter provides an alternative to peanut butter for people with allergies. You might also consider sprinkling the seeds on a salad. Sunflower seeds have lots of B vitamins to support healthy hair follicles.

Sweet Potato

This complex carb could be the secret to living a long, healthy life according to this supercentenarian. It might also help you look your best into your old age, as well. Help your hair grow with the reservoir of vitamins contained in sweet potatoes, including biotin, vitamin B5, and vitamin A.


If you're looking for maximum benefit to your hair from your dinner, you might want to consider cooking some trout. Just one serving of trout contains nearly 20 percent of your recommended daily vitamin B5, 8 percent of your vitamin A, and more than twice that of vitamin B12. Hopefully, those vitamins can help speed up your hair growth and give you shinier locks. These other foods could help to boost your hair's natural sheen, as well.

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