Anything You Can Make With Potatoes, You Can Make Better With Cauliflower

The incredible versatility of the cauliflower has changed our opinion of broccoli's paler kin. This cruciferous vegetable has been riced, turned into pasta, and for perhaps our favorite potato impersonation, cauliflower excellently mimics the taste and texture of potatoes.

Click here for the In Season: Cauliflower slideshow.

But why should you replace potatoes, which are rich in vitamin C and B6, with cauliflower? Cauliflower contains less than half the calories of potatoes per serving, but more importantly cauliflower is an anti-inflammatory, low-carb food that will still provide you with plenty of (more, actually) vitamin C.

Whether you are looking for a healthy version of mashed potatoes, tater tots, or cheesy gratin these recipes utilize the texture and mild taste of cauliflower to mimic your favorite starch.

Cauliflower Gratincasseroles

Cauliflower gratin isn't exactly reinventing the wheel when it comes to , but this version certainly does, with an all-around perfect Gruyère cheese sauce and alternative baking times for the most perfect results. — Casserole Queens

For the Cauliflower Gratin recipe, click here.

Cauliflower Pakoratamarind orange chutney.

This little fried snack, which is often made with potato is made with cauliflower instead for this recipe. Serve these nuggets, spiced with turmeric, ginger, and fennel seed with a

For the Cauliflower Pakora recipe, click here.

Cauliflower Tots

Whip up these healthier baked tots that use shredded cauliflower rather than potatoes for a quick snack or casual party appetizer.

For the Cauliflower Tots recipe, click here.

Mashed Cauliflowerthis recipe for a healthy cauliflower mashmushroom gravy

Top with this one for a rich . If you hate lumps, pass your cauliflower mash through a fine sieve once for silky smooth potato-like purée.

For the Cauliflower Mash recipe, click here.

'No Potato' Cauliflower Saladpotato salad

Another wonderful option to make traditional  a healthy choice is to use cauliflower instead of potatoes. Here's a recipe that will keep your carb intake low and increase your veggie intake for the day. — Isabel De Los Rios

For the 'No Potato' Cauliflower Salad recipe, click here.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.