9 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Foods

A healthy and well-balanced diet is important for your present health, but it can also have a big impact on your future health. Symptoms of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and pain, alert us to the fact that our bodies are in need of some extra nourishment. And giving our bodies the right kinds of foods can help reduce this inflammation, which can in turn lead to better long-term health.

Click here to see the 9 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Foods (Slideshow)

There are several different foods that can be eaten to help fight inflammation and help the body to heal. Chronic inflammation can bring on more serious diseases, and incorporating some of these foods into your daily diet can help bring your body back to health in a natural way.

Salmon is full of omega-3s, which can help fight inflammation. For a quick dinner, spread mustard over salmon fillets, cover with herbs, and bake at 325 degrees until cooked through. Serve alongside some steamed broccoli and you will have one anti-inflammatory dinner!

So, improve your diet and your overall health with a few of these foods. The wide variety on this list will help you incorporate healthier choices into any meal. Remember to always consult with your doctor or medical professional before altering your diet in any way.


Summer's favorite berry is also good for you. It reduces inflammation and is full of antioxidants. Try having some for breakfast with yogurt or enjoy a spinach and blueberry salad for lunch or dinner.


Not only can garlic reduce inflammation, but it adds loads of flavor to a dish. You can mince it and incorporate it into dishes like sautéed vegetables, pastas, meat dishes, and marinades.

Click here to see more Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.