How To Perfectly Decant A Glass Of Wine Without A Decanter

Wine enthusiasts know that decanting is an important part of the process to ensure the best experience. Decanting is performed for two reasons: It helps eliminate the sediment that naturally collects in bottles and aerates the wine to enhance its flavor. While most people use a decanter for this purpose, you may find yourself lacking one at some point. In this case, there's an alternative method you can use that will return the same dazzling results.

All you need are two wine glasses, particularly oversized ones. Pour a glass of wine from the bottle, then take that glass and pour it into another glass. This two-step process can help you to avoid sediment while also infusing the wine with the perfect amount of air. Even better, you won't need to worry about cleaning dirty wine decanters, which is crucial when decanting wine using the conventional method. There are also some methods to employ when decanting wine that ensure the best possible outcome.

Best practices for decanting wine

There are many do's and don'ts when decanting wine, and following these guidelines will improve the overall effect. After all, using the right techniques ensures that the wine you're drinking achieves the best possible quality. To begin with, be sure that the bottle is kept upright for at least 12 hours before opening it. This step allows any sediment lingering within the bottle to float to the bottom, which minimizes the risk of it ending up in your glass.

Also, the wine must be poured carefully into the glass from the bottle. A slow, steady hand when pouring reduces the chance of sediment transferring into your glass. While pouring the wine into a second glass lowers the chance of consuming sediment even more, it's best to start with a clean slate, so to speak. While using the right decanting tips and tricks is the key to an effective process, keep in mind that decanting wine is not always necessary.

Should all wines be decanted?

Decanting is often recommended for older, vintage wines, but it's not always necessary. A careful pouring technique can help avoid sediment, in which case the wine can be poured directly into a glass and consumed. As for aeration, not all wines, even vintage ones, require this step to achieve the best possible flavor. In many instances, full-bodied wines (meaning red wines with an alcohol percentage of 13.5) are improved by decanting.

Conversely, there are some wines that don't necessarily benefit from the decanting process. This includes sparkling wine, which can often lose its fizz after being decanted. Then, other wines benefit from decanting but require a delicate approach. These are white wines, which typically have more delicate flavors. Inviting too much air into a delicate white wine could reduce some fruit-forward notes, thereby negatively impacting the flavor. While wine can be intimidating to the uninitiated, especially when it comes to beginner wine tasting, understanding the ins and outs of decanting will make you feel like a seasoned pro.