The Best Tip For The Ultimate Korean Corn Cheese

Gooey, bubbly, delicious cheese can make all the difference in a dish. Its addition can take many lackluster foods to new heights, creating a mouthwatering appetizer from plain and otherwise uninspiring canned goods. It can even elevate veggies you might not otherwise be a fan of, clearing room for them on the grocery list. Naturally, using the right cheese is super important in this instance. The wrong stuff can create less than enthusiastic results, spoiling your enjoyment. 

This is especially true when you set out to make something like Korean corn cheese for the first time. The wrong kind of cheese just won't produce the lush, stringy creaminess that the dish is known for. That's why it's important to follow the right tips when selecting the cheese. While it might be tempting to reach for the most expensive, moistest, freshest mozzarella that you can find, this just isn't the time for it.

The cheese tip for Korean corn cheese

When it comes to melting cheese, it's best to use low-moisture varieties. That's because too much liquid in the cheese means it will seep out under high heat, causing a soggy mess instead of that melted gooeyness you're after. Since fresh mozzarella is stored in whey or brine and has a high moisture content, it's one of those cheeses that just doesn't melt well. What that means for your Korean corn cheese is, well, disaster. As tempting as the creamy fresh stuff might be, this is one of those times when it's best to reach for a block of the processed stuff — or a bag of shredded mozzarella if you don't feel like doing that part by hand.

If you need more convincing, just consider pizza. Except for the Margherita pie, pizzamakers generally use low-moisture cheeses like processed mozzarella and provolone to create the perfectly melted topping that stretches across the table as you retrieve your slice. That's the same energy you're going for with Korean corn cheese.

Are there any other tips you should follow?

While it's not a requirement like low-moisture mozzarella, there's really no need to use fresh corn for this dish. Of course, you totally can if you want to. But traditionally, Korean corn cheese is made with the canned variety — a remnant of American occupation during the Korean War. So why not put that forgotten can in your pantry to use before it languishes past its expiration date? It will give you the most authentic taste, after all.

Another important factor is the mayonnaise. For the best results, you'll want to use the Japanese version. Although Kewpie mayo is more expensive than the regular kind, with the money you'll save using canned corn and cheaper mozzarella, it kind of balances out. Still, if you only follow one of these tips, make sure it's the cheese — it's the only way to ensure you'll get bubbly Korean corn cheese.