The Frozen Citrus Rind Tip For Deliciously Cold Drinks

Ice cubes are a quintessential part of any cold drink. While fun alternatives to these frozen cubes exist, none can really do it like the real deal. For example, using frozen fruit instead of ice usually ends with a mushy mess at the bottom of your drink, and reusable ice cubes just don't offer the same classy experience that ice provides. Luckily, there are practical alternatives to ice that offer a little something of their own, too. Frozen citrus rinds are some of the best of those helpful substitutes.

Using frozen citrus rinds as ice cubes leads to deliciously cold drinks with an added subtle hint of citrus flavor — minus the mess of frozen fruit. The oils that saturate these rinds will slowly release as the citrus thaws, lending even more flavor as you drink your beverage of choice. That's one of the main reasons why this simple switch could be even better than ice cubes — frozen citrus rinds won't water down your drink. They soften and thaw as your drink sits rather than melting and diluting your beverage. There are many other benefits to using rinds in your drink, so here's how you can try this hack out for yourself.

How you can try out this drink hack at home

Using frozen citrus rinds to cool down your drink is a good way to add a pop of color into a glass of sparkling water or a fruity cocktail. If you wanna up your drink game using this tip, start by picking out your citrus fruit of choice. Whether you prefer lemons, limes, oranges, or grapefruits, anything goes. If you want to get creative with your ice alternative, opt for things like kumquat or clementine rinds instead. The choice is up to you. 

Once you've selected your fruit, use the juice and flesh however you wish. Once you've squeezed out all the juice, scrape the remaining inner membrane away with a knife until only the rind remains. (You can also use a vegetable peeler.) Place your rinds into an air-tight containerto preserve their freshness and freeze. Because of their unique makeup, they won't stick together, so pack them in as tightly as you wish. Once it's time for a cold beverage, just grab a frozen rind out of your freezer and place it in your glass.

Many people opt to throw away their citrus rinds after juicing or zesting, but why discard them when you can use them in other recipes instead? Rinds can certainly be used in place of ice, but there's a lot more you can do with them, too.

Other ways to use your frozen citrus rinds

If you're reluctant to take up more space in your freezer with rinds, keep in mind that these peels can be used for much more than drinks. Citrus peels can really amp up the flavor of savory sauces by infusing some unexpected citrus edge into the flavor. The tart sweetness of the peel can bring balance to anything from hearty tomato sauces to sandwich smears to other heavy condiments. To reap the benefits of the rind, simply mince your frozen peel and add it to your sauce of choice. Taste the mixture as you add it in to avoid over-saturating your dish with citrus flavor.

Savory choices aside, citrus zest is a common ingredient for many baking recipes, so having some fresh peels ready to go in the freezer is a good idea for avid bakers. From soft and sweet lemon bars to bouncy banana bread, citrus zest helps intensify all of the flavors that are already present. Just dice your peel and add it in to amplify your dish.

So think twice before you discard your citrus peels. Contrary to popular belief, they are an especially useful thing to keep on hand in your freezer. From seltzers to sauces, they can elevate just about anything.