For The Brightest Pesto, Try Blanching Your Basil

There's nothing quite like the bright green leaves and fresh aroma of basil, especially at its peak during the summer months. And there's no sauce more suited to summertime than pesto, with basil shining as the star ingredient. But have you ever labored over making homemade pesto only to notice it changing color soon after you blend all the ingredients? What starts as a vibrant green mixture slowly fades to a murky, brown color, making for an unappetizing-looking result.

The scientific process describing this color-changing effect is known as oxidation. As soon as your basil gets chopped up its enzymes are exposed to oxygen. This exposure causes a chemical reaction, changing the color. It's what makes your apples and avocados brown after slicing, too. But luckily, you can prevent your pesto from changing color with one simple step: Blanching your basil. After just a few seconds in boiling water, the enzymes will be gone, ensuring your basil retains its vibrancy even when exposed to oxygen and making for the brightest pesto possible.

How to blanch and freeze for bright pesto year-round

Once your water is boiled, submerge the basil in the boiling water for about 15 seconds. Make sure to have a bowl of ice-cold water on hand to quickly move the basil to after those 15 seconds, stopping the cooking process in its tracks. Remember to exercise caution by using a sieve or slotted spoon to submerge and transfer your basil.

After the basil has been shocked in the ice water, make sure to pat the leaves as dry as possible before use. Then your perfectly bright basil is ready to be transformed into an equally bright pesto! Wondering what to do now with the abundance of fresh basil you have on hand? Make the most of it by taking the rest of your unused blanched basil and freezing it. You can lay the leaves flat in a freezer bag for easy individual retrieval later or stack a few leaves and roll them together, creating tight basil bunches.

Other ways to keep your pesto bright

Now that your blanched basil will keep your pesto's brilliant color, there are even further steps you can take to keep your pesto beautifully green. When storing your pesto, make sure to use a container with an air-tight lid or wrap the container tightly in saran wrap. This will keep as much oxygen out as possible and should allow the pesto to stay at its best for three to four days.

You can also coat your pesto in a thin layer of olive oil to create a barrier. Try using the same oil used to make your pesto, maintaining a balance of flavor. Or, you can take to freezing your pesto just like you froze that extra fresh basil. Pop the pesto into some handy ice cube trays and you're good to go. Your future self will thank you for going the extra mile for vibrantly green, tasty pesto all year long.