Smoked Salt Will Take Your Tomato Toast To New Heights

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a ton of ingredients to make a delicious meal. Some of the best dishes call for just three or four ingredients, and the simplicity of those dishes is their power. This is true for anything from warm savory soups to hearty rice bowls, but sandwiches are one of the most common simple dishes out there. If you have a few dollars to spare or are simply looking for an easy dish to add to your repertoire, try whipping up some tomato toast for your next meal.

This Southern delicacy has fans all over the world – and for good reason. The simple harmony of fresh tomato slices, thick toasted bread, and a smattering of spices is hard to beat. Still, there is an easy way to elevate this dish, and all it takes is a small sprinkle of smoked salt

While tomato toast usually does call for simple seasonings like flaky salt and pepper, smoked salt takes those additions to the next level entirely.

Why you should sprinkle some smoked salt onto your tomato toast

Before any unique additions, tomato toast is a simple and light meal all on its own. With the help of smoked salt, this meal will be elevated tenfold. While regular salt brings some extra flavor into this dish, smoked salt will bring even more. This bold ingredient infuses tomato toast with smoky, woodsy flavors that bring a unique edge to the dish. 

The ingredient also helps heighten the aromatic experience of tomato toast, which would otherwise be relatively ordinary. And another bonus — since smoked salt is often made with sea salt or rock salt, these salty flakes are also an ideal size and can help add additional texture to any sort of sandwich. 

Smoked salt is readily available at most grocery stores, and is a good ingredient to keep in the pantry for tomato toast and many other dishes that just need a little kick of flavor. However, if you're reluctant to shell out the money for a new spice, there are many other ways to enhance the flavor of tomato toast beyond smoked salt.

Other ways to elevate tomato toast

With the simplicity of tomato toast, bold spices work especially well here. If you want to venture beyond smoked salt, consider adding some smoked paprika into the mix. The smoky flavor of this spice offers many of the same benefits as smoked salt for tomato toast in a milder and more colorful package.

For those looking to stray away from the smoky realm, consider reaching for a more mild condiment like mayonnaise or olive oil. These are both common options to top tomato toast with since they blend seamlessly with the other ingredients. For a more unexpected twist, this toast would also do well with the help of toasted sesame seeds for added crunch or a squeeze of lemon for a refreshing citrus note. 

Tomato toast is a highly customizable meal, so don't be shy and try something new. Just don't forget to top it all with a few cracks of black pepper and your flaky salt of choice, and your toast will surely delight the palate.