Use Deli Slices In Place Of Noodles For A Meaty Keto Lasagna

First introduced in the 1920s, the ketogenic diet — which involves lowering carb intake and replacing those calories with fat to reach a metabolic state called ketosis — has gained popularity in recent years. According to Healthline, the diet may contribute to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and fewer heart disease risk factors.

For some, eliminating carbs — especially when fond of traditional hearty foods like lasagna — isn't easy. However, creating a keto-friendly and delicious lasagna is straightforward: Simply use deli meat slices instead of noodles.

Deli slices as a noodle alternative — coupled with thoughtful layering and flavor enhancement — results in a tasty, low-carb meal that fits within the bounds of the keto diet. Because deli slices can be heated up to very high temperatures without losing their form, they're excellent at providing structure to your lasagna in place of traditional noodles — not to mention they also come with an extra heap of protein and a flavor of their own. Moreover, you can enhance your keto lasagna by experimenting with various ingredients alongside the deli slices, tailoring it to your tastes, and maintaining a keto-friendly approach. 

Choosing your deli slices

The first thing to do is decide what kind of deli slices you'll use. Because you're using deli slices for structure as well as flavor, you'll want meat that won't fall apart under heat and pressure and won't clash with the flavor profile of the lasagna. The first and most obvious choice, of course, is to use a variety of salami. With a robustly chewy texture and vibrant Italian seasonings, slices of salami are a perfect ingredient to use in a keto lasagna. 

That said, there are other choices to consider that perform equally well as a noodle substitute in lasagna. If you'd rather concentrate the flavor in the sauce and cut down the overall sodium count, you can also opt for sliced ham, chicken, turkey, or roast beef. The only thing to watch out for when it comes to these lunch meats is to pick an unflavored cut — sweetened hams or maple-infused turkey slices carry much more sugary carbs than the unflavored kinds and might not be keto-friendly upon closer inspection.

How to create a keto lasagna with deli slices

Once you've selected your deli meat, it's time to get down to putting the lasagna together. As with classic lasagna, the number of layers and how you order them is entirely up to personal preference. Some recipes might tell you to start with a layer of meaty tomato sauce, while others will advise you to cover the baking dish with a deli base layer first. Regardless of how you layer your lasagna, you should ensure your sauce is as keto-friendly as the deli slices, either by checking the label or making it yourself from scratch. 

To mimic the cheesiness of traditional lasagna, make sure you have a cheese layer in your repeating order of deli slices and meat sauce. Unfortunately, one of the classic cheeses in lasagna — ricotta — can be very keto-unfriendly. However, you can substitute it for other creamy and fluffy cheeses like goat cheese or cream cheese. 

Other keto options to consider

In addition to deli slices, you can incorporate vegetable layers to enhance the nutritional profile and add texture to your keto lasagna. Thinly sliced zucchini or eggplant work exceptionally well as a noodle substitute instead of, or in addition to, deli slices — but remember to roast or sauté the slices before layering to remove excess moisture and avoid a watery lasagna. You can also consider leafy greens like spinach to incorporate either in the sauce or between the layers. 

Finally, if all else fails and you find that you still prefer the texture of traditional noodles instead of deli slices or other substitutes, don't worry — keto-friendly noodles do exist and are easy to make from scratch so long as you have a few baking trays on hand. You can double up on cheese and make noodles with cream cheese, mozzarella, parmesan, and some eggs. Or, you can make noodles with almond flour, eggs, and cream cheese — you can even substitute the cream cheese with tapioca starch for a chewier texture. Don't be afraid to experiment, and you might find that your keto lasagna is as good as any classic lasagna you've ever had.