For A Less Crowded Costco Experience, Shop During A Big Game

While Costco is beloved for its wide selection of bulk products, the warehouse retail chain does have a tendency to get pretty crowded. That's why timing your visit correctly is so crucial, and shopping during a big event can mean more manageable crowds. In this case, visiting Costco during a massive sporting event might greatly reduce stress and wait times as you stock up on home essentials. It should be noted that this trick works best in cities and towns with lots of football fans, as diehard fans are more likely to stay home to watch the big game instead of shopping.

Also, some Costco members on Reddit report that their closest locations remain packed, even during huge events that captivate the nation. According to one shopper, "I've been to Costco during the Super Bowl before and it was fairly busy, but not as bad as it usually is on weekends. Probably depends on your local area." Even a slight decrease in crowds can make a major difference to your shopping experience, so it's definitely worth testing this theory at your preferred store.

Other great times to visit the warehouse retail chain

In the event your Costco run can't wait until a huge sporting event captures everyone's attention, consider visiting the store during the week. Crowds tend to be a lot more manageable between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays, as well as about an hour before the store closes. Hours of operation vary from place to place, but many locations close around 8:30 p.m. during the week.

Surprisingly, the weather can also influence how many people choose to visit a Costco location at a given time. The store tends to be less crowded during rainstorms and other bouts of inclement weather, which can work to your advantage. Many customers would rather not travel to and from their vehicles in harsh weather, so they're more likely to stay home and wait for conditions to clear up before heading out. However, not even rain and snow can prevent Costco members from visiting the establishment during certain days of the week.

Costco shoppers often face big crowds during the weekend

For people with Monday through Friday work schedules, the weekend is prime time for visiting Costco. As a result, most shoppers find their closest locations packed on Saturday and Sunday, regardless of what time they swing by. Fridays can also be extremely crowded, as some people choose to shop after work to ensure they have everything they need for a nice, relaxing weekend.

So, what should you do if you find yourself at Costco during one of the busier times? Commenters on Reddit implore you to employ a bit of common sense and a whole lot of Costco etiquette to make the experience amenable for everyone. One major no-no is blocking other customers when taking advantage of free Costco samples, especially during busy weekend hours. Shoppers are also encouraged to exhibit a bit of grace and decorum when faced with larger crowds or unexpected delays. As stated by one member, "Relax, go around them or take the perimeter aisle. It's not a race and your own mental health is rewarded by being more patient."