The Easy Starbucks Hack To Avoid Long Lines At The Airport

Going to the airport is not usually a glamorous experience. Between long layovers and emotional goodbyes, those gearing up to fly in the sky are often in need of a whole lot of caffeine just to keep going. The one big barrier to those caffeinated desires being fulfilled? Time. You might feel like you need that latte prior to boarding, but everyone else in the terminal feels the same way.

Unless you're the type of traveler who gets to the airport hours early and never experiences delays (lucky duck), oftentimes risking a missed flight to stand in a long line for a cup of coffee is just not in the cards. Most beverages are usually free on the plane anyway, although some flight attendants might recommend you avoid airplane coffee. Luckily there is the perfect invention readily available for coffee lovers who want to skip the line. For frequent fliers everywhere, it might finally be time to download the Starbucks app.

While there isn't a Starbucks at every airport, there's usually at least one in the vast majority, and oftentimes there are multiple locations. Travelers with the Starbucks app can order coffee ahead of time and simply grab their order at the counter, surpass the line, and go on their way. So whether you're running to catch your next flight, or looking to pass the time on a long layover, now you don't have to skip the coffee due to neverending lines.

How to order ahead with the Starbucks app

The Starbucks app has many special features that make it an especially handy tool for sleep-deprived travelers. For starters, let's discuss how to order ahead. Currently, only Starbucks Rewards members have the privilege of being able to place an order ahead of time at the airport through the app. For those who aren't yet members, it's free to join. To place an order, open up the app and type in the airport's three-digit code. Travelers can also find a kiosk near them by allowing Starbucks to see their location. Look at all of the locations available and pick the most convenient option from there. 

Once customers have picked a location, they can choose the items they want to order from the menu and add them to a virtual cart. Once everything is chosen, an estimated wait time will be viewable in the cart so you'll know when your order will be ready. Pay through the app, and when the time has come, head to the counter and pick up your drink. Then, simply walk to your gate.

There are enough lines to deal with while in an airport, so don't make the Starbucks line another one you have to endure.

How the app has changed the game for flyers

While the Starbucks app has been around since 2009, the airport ordering feature didn't come about until 2022. This is because most Starbucks locations inside airports are licensed, and it's not up to Starbucks to make those kinds of decisions. Because of this, a few Starbucks airport locations might not offer the order-ahead option, but most have decided to make the change. The same is true of Starbucks cafes located inside Target stores, too. To see if an airport store offers customers the chance to order ahead, simply check the app before banking on this line-hopping hack.

When airport mobile ordering, the positive feedback was instant. One frequent flyer shared her initial reaction to the change with USA Today and called it "a game-changer." Another fan of the change was shocked by how easily they were able to skip the line entirely. While this hack is simple, every little thing helps when facing the chaos of a busy airport.