The Foolproof Hack For Cutting Brownies Totally Crumb-Free

Crumbly brownies are enough to make anyone cry, but, fortunately, there's a way to keep these beloved baked goods intact when cutting them into squares. All you need is a roll of parchment paper, butter, and a tiny bit of forethought (plus an extra sharp knife) to ensure your brownies look as good as they taste after baking.

Brownies crumble for all sorts of reasons. Baking for too long can deplete moisture from the mixture, which leaves the finished product drier than it should be. Flubbing the wet-dry ingredient ratio is another common error to avoid. Even cutting into your brownies too soon after they're out of the oven can leave them a crumbly mess. That's why home bakers must exhibit a little patience before carving into these sweet treats, while also making sure they use the right approach when cutting them. Using butter and parchment paper to prevent sticking and a sharp knife for smoother slicing will preserve the integrity of your bake. While decidedly simple, you're sure to get lots of mileage out of this ingenious brownie-cutting technique.

Parchment paper is key to a crumb-free kitchen

After combining all your ingredients, set the batter aside, as you'll need to prep the baking pan. Take a stick of butter and liberally grease the pan, making sure to fully cover the bottom, as well as the sides. Next, grab a roll of parchment paper and cut two strips large enough to cover the inside of the baking pan. Position one strip from the front to the back, while the other should be positioned from the left to the right. If done correctly, the two strips will form a cross-like shape.

Once the pan is covered, take your stick of butter and rub it on the parchment paper. Make sure the interior is fully greased to prevent sticking, or the brownies may become glued to the paper. You're now free to pour in the brownie batter and bake according to the recipe instructions. When time is up, remove the brownies from the oven and get your cutting tool ready. Say, when's the last time you thought about your bread knife?

Patience is a virtue (especially when it comes to brownies)

While you'll be eager to slice your brownies immediately after they come out of the oven, you must resist temptation. Instead, place the pan on the counter and wait. You shouldn't cut the brownies until after they've cooled down, which usually takes about 30 minutes. At this point, grab the overlapping strips of parchment paper in each hand and lift the brownies out of the pan. If you greased the pan effectively, it should be pretty easy to remove the brownies and paper in one piece.

Congratulations, you're now ready to cut your brownies! But first, you'll need to select the perfect cutting tool, which happens to be a serrated knife. Unlike chef's knives, which have a flat blade, the blades of serrated knives feature numerous saw teeth. This makes them ideal for cutting foods with thick, crusty exteriors, such as loaves of bread, and yes, even brownies. And by cutting the brownies on the counter, not in the pan, you'll be able to saw through them freely without a restricted range of motion. You can now enjoy the fruits of your labor, and perhaps even share a few brownies with your loved ones.