Why You Should Take Your Coffee Black At Restaurants

Drinking coffee black is not usually viewed as something for the faint of heart. The stark bitterness of this dark beverage, void of any cream or sugars, makes for a taste only 41% of Americans can stomach, according to Drive Research. While 75% of Americansdrink some type of coffee everyday, most people just prefer to customize their cup. 

While black coffee might be something of an acquired taste, there are a lot of good reasons you should consider making the switch. Black coffee offers many benefits, including preventing certain cancers and neurodegenerative conditions — plus, it's rich in antioxidants. 

Black coffee also has virtually no calories, since the beverage is made up solely of coffee beans and water. Infusing your coffee with heavy creams and sweeteners, or other things high in saturated fat, can bring about opposite effects and leave you feeling lethargic. These added ingredients can even eventually lead to long-term issues like heart disease if consumed in excess.

While we're no stranger to the occasional caramel macchiato or a splash of Coffee mate in our cups, it's best to take these things in moderation. If you want to make the most of your mornings, black coffee still reigns king — especially when you're out at a restaurant.

Why you should always get your coffee black at restaurants

When you sit down at a diner or restaurant for brunch, indulging in a hot mug of coffee is a familiar comfort. But rather than fresh cups of milk and cold creamers, most of these establishments only keep unrefrigerated, single servings of cream handy. While these hazelnut and vanilla-flavored creamers might taste good, they're not so great for you.

These miniature cups are ultra-pasteurized, which is why they can stay out unrefrigerated. While this process is supposed to quell any harmful bacteria that could permeate the creamers and extend shelf life, the single-serve additives are typically riddled with anything but cream. Hydrogenated oils, sugar, and other harmful ingredients are typically what makeup each small carton.

Some of the ingredients in the creamers you commonly see in restaurants in America are actually banned in other countries. "It's the worst way to start your day and sets you up for a blood sugar roller coaster, cravings, weight gain, and mood swings," author of "The Pegan Diet" Mark Hyman, shared with Katie Couric Media.

Besides a boost of flavor, those creamers you commonly find at restaurants contain almost no benefits, and it's best to avoid consuming them altogether. If you can't see yourself hopping on the black coffee train, just stick to drinking coffee at home instead.

The many benefits of taking your coffee black

Beyond its healthy abundance of antioxidants, black coffee is probably doing more for you than you might think. Studies on the many benefits of black coffee has risen over the years, and we learn more and more about what it can do for us everyday. 

For example, black coffee has the potential to reduce the risk of scary health issues such as type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and even Parkinson's. The impact on our health aside, even its taste might be more appealing than you think.

While many people view black coffee to be for real heavy hitters, the drink can be for everyone and have a balanced taste, and even a robust and appealing taste when it's brewed correctly. If it's been a while since you tried your cup without cream, or cringed even before you took a sip of black coffee, try again with a fresh perspective. Diving into the little flavors hidden inside each brew might soon become your new passion.

Still, for those days you're craving a little something sweet, a frappe or a syrupy pumpkin latte is sometimes just the best way to go. But when you find yourself at a restaurant, you might want to steer clear of any additions to your cup.