You'll Only Find One Michelin-Starred Pub In London

Pubs are a foundation of British culture, offering not only a place for locals to enjoy their favorite food and drink but also where they can come together for a unique social experience that dates back centuries. Of all the types of restaurants available in Great Britain, pubs are by far the most visited by its inhabitants, with nearly 4,000 in London alone. Whether you've lived there forever or visiting for the first time, there's no denying that these institutions are a cornerstone of the city.

While it's no easy feat to be awarded a coveted Michelin star, any type of restaurant can be presented with this prestige if its food is up to snuff — even pubs. But out of the nearly 70 restaurants in the Greater London area that have proven worthy enough to earn one, two, or three Michelin stars, only one pub has made the cut.

No trip to London is complete without stopping by an old-school British public house for a comforting English meal and a tasty pint. So why not stop by the only one in the city that's officially Michelin-worthy?

Grab some award-winning pub grub at The Harwood Arms

The Harwood Arms (or "The Harwood," as the pub refers to itself) earned itself a Michelin star in 2014 (per Evening Standard) for its modern British fare that puts seasonal produce, wild food, and game meats in the spotlight. "The cooking at this pub may be highly accomplished," the Michelin Guide states, "but it still does what pub food does best: leaves you feeling eminently satisfied."

While the menu changes throughout the seasons, you can satisfy yourself with pub snacks like venison scotch eggs and cod beignets and main staples like deer and monkfish. Elaborate roasts are available on Sundays, served with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, and more veggies (most likely gathered from the restaurant's rooftop garden). With your choice of pudding for dessert, a three-course meal runs for £65.00 or two courses for £50.00.

And if a pint of beer isn't your thing, this gastropub is highly regarded for its extensive and impressive wine list — one that Michelin describes as a labor of love. The Harwood offers bottles from France and Austria to Georgia and Lebanon, with something for everyone around the globe.

How to order a drink at a traditional British pub

Since pubs are such an integral part of the British lifestyle, these establishments have developed an entire culture of their own. When you walk into a British pub, there are certain unwritten rules to follow and proper etiquette by which to abide — things that have been ingrained in the locals but that out-of-towners may be oblivious to.

First, don't expect to be waited on at a traditional British pub. You can go in and grab a table, but if you want a drink, you need to order at the bar and bring it back yourself — make sure you have your order locked and loaded ahead of time, and be specific about the type of beer you want. It's even better if you can order a round for your whole group at once (per Matador Network). No flagging down the bartender either; it's understood that you'll patiently wait your turn and respect the other patrons.

Like most European establishments, tipping isn't a typical part of the experience, and the staff or bartenders do not expect it. However, there's a common practice in pubs if you do want to show gratitude: you offer them a drink. As Social Issues Research Center explains, this isn't thought of as a tip (which could come across as demeaning or offensive to someone in a service role) but more so as a friendly, appreciated gesture that treats everyone as equals.