Why You Need To Learn To Roast Vegetables This Fall

Roasted Vegetables are Delicious. Especially in the fall, when you have your pick of amazing in-season root vegetables and winter squash at the market.

(Credit: flickr/Jeremy Keith/CC4.0)

If You Can Think It You Can Roast It. This is pretty much true. Roast anything and everything you come across at the market, including (but not limited to) potatoes, sweet potatoes, fennel, butternut squash, onions, and peppers.

(Credit: flickr/adelina w/ CC4.0)

They're Easy. Roasting vegetables takes almost no prep work. Just chop up the vegetables, toss in olive oil and season with some salt and pepper. From there you go into the oven (a 375-degree oven usually does the trick) and cook until the vegetables are golden-brown and tender (timing varies depending on the size and type of vegetables).

(Credit:flickr/ Jules/ CC4.0)

They're Multitasking-Friendly. Roast vegetables in the oven while you prepare the rest of the meal on the stovetop, which frees up valuable counter and stovetop space. You can also roast vegetables alongside a protein for even less cleanup.

(Credit:flickr/Jules/ CC4.0)

Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.