What Is Kapusta?

Kapusta (the polish word for "cabbage") is a traditional Polish dish made from braised cabbage or sauerkraut (kapusta kiszona or "sour cabbage"). It can be flavored with mushrooms, onion, or garlic and other seasonings like bay leaf or paprika. Kapusta is often flavored with pork as well.

Much like the variation in seasonings, kapusta varies in the way it is served as well. Some kapusta is served with an ample amount of liquid (like a soup) while other varieties are cooked for a longer period of time so that the liquids reduce and the dish thickens. Kapusta is frequently served as an accompaniment to meat (traditional pairings include kielbasa, meatballs, or pork cutlets) and thick kapusta can be used as a filling for pierogi.

If you're interested in giving this delicious traditional Polish dish a try, click here for some of our best kapusta recipes.

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.