Reasons You Should Plan Your Summer Vacation Now Gallery

Reasons You Should Plan Your Summer Vacation Now

Summer may still be months away, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be on your mind. Because it's the most popular time of the year for vacation, traveling in the summer can mean hiked prices and busy airports. That's more than enough stress already, so we advise that you consider planning your summer getaway starting now.

One of the top mistakes people make when planning their summer travel is not doing it ahead of time. Take advantage of great deals on airfare and hotel rooms, as well as extra time to make sure you're getting your money's worth once you do leave for your trip. Summer is the best time to relax, and we can assure you that taking care of your summer plans early will take care of a lot of stressors so you won't have to deal with them later. You don't want to be stuck scouring the internet for last-minute summer deals, so take our advice and consider these reasons you should plan your summer vacation now.

Availability of Summer Event Tickets

With warmer weather comes outdoor festivals, parades, and concerts. The sooner you know for sure that you can make it, the sooner you can nab some tickets before prices go up or they sell out entirely.

Better Chance of Finding Awesome Packages

Travel companies are more likely to offer better deals further away from a specific date, and as time goes on those packages get scooped up more and more. Check out what's being offered at the best all-inclusive resorts in the world or find out which cruises are offering superb deals for summer.

First Dibs on Popular Dates

With schools out for summer, most people are doing their traveling around then so you want to make sure you get the specific dates you want off before anyone else requests them at work. Certain dates in summer are very popular, so if you're looking to attend the totally-cliché-yet-totally-worth it Burning Man on Labor Day weekend or take a trip for the Fourth of July, you'll want to make sure you have those dates locked in ASAP.

Less Stress

Planning ahead means you won't have to worry about all the details later when you're closer to your actual vacation. While vacations are great for relaxing and de-stressing, they can be even greater when you have less stress to deal with in the first place. You'll have enough to worry about when it comes to last-minute preparation before you leave home or when you're navigating the airport, not to mention having to survive a long flight if you're going somewhere where.

More Time to Make Sure You Have the Right Documentation

Passports can be tricky, particularly since there's a possibility of them becoming useless up to six months before they even expire. In addition to renewing your travel IDs, planning ahead of time can also give you the time you need to acquire the required visas.

More Time to Plan Your Itinerary

Travel is all about planning, especially when it comes down to the day-to-day of your actual trip. You want to make sure you see all the top landmarks, eat at all the best restaurants, and take part in all the bucket list experiences of the region you're visiting. When you plan your trip earlier, you have more than enough time to plan out what you're going to do and when so that you don't miss out on anything.

More Time to Save Up

When globetrotting, the numbers can start to add up quick, putting quite the strain on your wallet, even if you do manage to find some great summer deals. That's why it's important to budget accordingly, and the earlier you plan out your trip, the earlier you'll have an idea of how much it will cost. This will give you until then to save up so that you're not stressing about lack of money through the trip. And if you save up enough, maybe you can even splurge with a couple extra excursions or a room upgrade!

No Rushed Shopping or Packing

It's important to make sure you have all the right things packed for your trip, and with more time on your hands, you can spread this out and ensure you don't miss anything. You may need time to order new luggage or find a replacement for your expired sunscreen, and you won't want to be scrambling around at the last minute or risk forgetting something.

Save on Accommodations

Even if you have saved up enough, you still want to save as much as possible. Although hotels post exorbitant prices on their websites, it's important to know that these prices aren't always what you're absolutely doomed to pay. As any avid traveler will tell you, it's more than possible to take a trip without spending most of your money on accommodations. With more time to plan, you can consider the many ways to save on lodging. There's also the fact that cheaper hotel rates are also more available further ahead of the date of your booking.

Save on Airfare

As it is with accommodations, the same goes for flight tickets. Flight tickets are often cheaper ahead of time, and more deals are available. You can also take the time to go through your options in terms of landing cheaper airfare.

Something to Look Forward To

If you plan your summer vacation now, you're only going to get more and more psyched as time goes on. It's something to get you through chilly days and work days. It'll help you stay motivated at home and at work, where you may otherwise be tempted to take days off when you don't absolutely need to. It'll also make the days go by faster in the lead-up to your vacation. To get started on your planning, check out these affordable family-friendly summer trips.

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