Travel Photo Of The Day: Ugli Fruit

When heard and not read, the name of this fruit can easily make you curious. Sure, some fruits might taste better to some people than others since we all have our own tastes, but how can one fruit be definitively labeled as the most unattractive of them all?

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Turns out that the name "ugli" has little to do with the superficial qualities of this Jamaican fruit (in fact, we find its pear-like shape quite cute as far as produce goes). It was originally found growing in the wild on this Caribbean island and is thought to be the hybrid cross of a grapefruit and tangerine, and/or maybe even a pomelo.

Ugli fruits are usually in season from December through April and can be found at some grocery stores in the States. Like other citrus fruits, you can peel and eat the wedges, or you can slide it in half and carve out bites with a spoon.

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