Tips And Ideas For Hostess Gifts

It may seem like a small task, but bringing a hostess gift is often easier said than done. The token bottle of wine or bouquet of flowers can only be done so many times before it seems like a lazy excuse. In the midst of our busy lives, it is difficult to brainstorm creative and meaningful gifts for the gracious hosts of parties, brunch, overnight stays, etc. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you bring a gift that your hostess will appreciate.

Encourage pampering. Attending a gathering that is sure to leave your hostess exhausted the next morning? A hostess gift that allows for a little rest and relaxation the next day is a perfect idea. This DIY Spa Basket, for example, gives your hostess the pampering needed after slaving away preparing for the event. Or a simple breakfast basket with a bag of strong coffee, fresh-baked croissants from the nearest bakery, and a jar of jam help make the morning after a relaxing treat.

A small token. If you have been invited to view a sporting event or have a casual dinner with friends, you may feel silly showing up with a gift basket. Instead, keep it small and simple. In these cases it is appropriate to bring something like a bottle of wine, a small potted plant, or a small bottle of nice hand lotion. These small tokens of your appreciation help your hostess feel special.

Keep it interesting. Hostess gifts are more meaningful when they are thoughtful. Find out what your hostess is interested in. Food lover? Movie buff? Gardener? Music lover? There are endless possibilities for simple gifts and gift baskets that any hostess would love to receive. These gift baskets offer some great inspiration. Gift certificates to restaurants, movie theaters, stores, etc., are a fantastic way to show your appreciation.

Rachael White, Menuism

For more tips on hostess gifts, visit Menuism