Things Everyone Thinks While Waiting In Line At Starbucks

We've all been there. You walk into Starbucks and there's a line several people deep; it will be at least five minutes until you can order because the person at the register now is still trying to grasp that, yes, a "Tall" is a small, or that their favorite seasonal beverage is no longer available and they're staging a full-on meltdown. Oh, and that's not even counting the minutes that you're waiting for your drink to be made because the barista's orders are as backed up as a major highway at peak rush hour.

This is when your mind starts to wonder, going to happier places and simpler thoughts — there is even a possibility that you may get existential, wondering, "why am I here?" You start nervously playing on your phone, tapping your foot, breathing heavy, finding ways to pass the time. Are you alone in your thoughts, or is everyone you are waiting with thinking and feeling the same collective narrative? What is everyone thinking while waiting at Starbucks? We asked Today Meal staffers and readers on Facebook to share their thoughts.

"I need a coffee just for the long wait in line for a Starbucks coffee." — Kim Robbins via Facebook

"That person's ridiculous drink order is so obnoxious." — Today Meal Staffer

"What does a mermaid have to do with coffee?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Why isn't 'Grande' the largest size?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Is 8 a.m. too early for a cake pop?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Are they really selling CDs? When was the last time I played a CD?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Who the hell orders a Trente?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Am I coming here too much if they remember my name and order?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Oh no, it's that barista on register." — Today Meal Staffer

"Why is this taking so long?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Why isn't this a Juan Valdez café?" — Daniel Litwin via Facebook

"Should I throw my spare change in the tip jar?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Wish there was a Dunkin' around here." — Jenna Saunders Ricci via Facebook

"What name will they write on my cup this time?" — Today Meal Staffer

"Should I ask if they forgot my order?" — Today Meal Staffer