The States That Waste The Most And The Least Food

A study done in September 2019 by the U.S. Packaging & Wrapping LLC determined which states are the biggest food wasters. Following the USDA's estimate that the U.S. wastes 31% of its food, the study found how much money each state spends on food that will eventually be wasted over each year. Each result, in turn, was divided by every state's population to calculate an average of how much each person is spending on food that will be wasted. Here are the U.S. states that waste the least and most food per capita in the country.

Most: Vermont

Vermont is the state that wastes the most food. It was found that in Vermont, an average of $1,374.24 worth of food is wasted per capita — the highest in the country. Citizens of Vermont should consider looking for brilliant ways they can use leftover food.

Most: Maine

Along with Vermont, another New England state tops the list. Maine was found to have wasted an average of $1,273.33 worth of food per capita. If you're in need of ideas for how to use up your leftovers, check out these ways you can use leftover rice, pasta, vegetables and more.

Most: Hawaii

Hawaii is also full of wasted food with an average of $1,271.35 worth of wasted food per capita each year. Here are ways to make your food last longer.

Most: Alaska

Alaska wastes an average of $1,239.47 worth of food per year per capita, which ranks fourth-worst in America.

Most: New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire wastes an average of $1,165.51 worth of food per capita, which ranks in the top five in the country.

Most: Massachusetts

People in the New England state of Massachusetts waste an average of $1,134.53 worth of food per capita, which is sixth-worst in the country.

Most: Montana

In Montana, people waste an average of $1,091.23 worth of food per capita, which puts the state seventh in the United States.

Most: Oregon

According to the study, Oregon is eighth-worst in the country for wasting food. People waste an average of $1,079.62 worth of food per capita in a year.

Most: Idaho

Idaho wastes an average of $1,071.30 worth of food per capita, which is ninth-worst in America.

Most: Wyoming

Wyoming rounds out the top 10 food wasters. It wastes an average of $1,060.81 worth of food per capita.

Least: Oklahoma

Oklahoma is the best state in America when it comes to not wasting food. The state wastes an average of $743.58 worth of food per capita.

Least: Utah

While Utah wastes more food than Oklahoma, it is way better than most states in America. Utah wastes an average of $791.05 worth of food per capita. Maybe residents are paying attention to how long meat and other foods will last in the fridge.

Least: Alabama

Alabama does a good job of not wasting a lot of food. The state wastes an average of $814.09 worth of food per capita, which is third-best in America. Part of not wasting food is knowing how to make easy dishes using what you have in your pantry.

Least: Arkansas

In Arkansas, people are not wasting nearly as much food as residents of other states. Arkansas ranks fourth when it comes to wasting the least amount of food. It wastes an average of $816.30 worth of food per capita. Perhaps people in Arkansas are following these practices to be more sustainable.

Least: Mississippi

Mississippi ranks fifth when it comes to wasting the least amount of food. Mississippians waste an average of $823.15 worth of food per capita. Perhaps the people in Mississippi are spending their money on eco-friendly things at the grocery store.

Least: Missouri

Missouri is sixth in the country when it comes to wasting the least amount of food. It wastes an average of $834.27 worth of food per capita. People in Missouri could be doing their best to avoid the least eco-friendly things they can buy at the grocery store.

Least: Indiana

People in Indiana are not wasting as much food as residents of other states. Hoosiers waste an average of $834.24 worth of food per capita, seventh-best in the country.

Least: Illinois

Illinois is eighth in the country in terms of wasting the least amount of food. It wastes an average of $845.62 worth of food per capita.

Least: Arizona

In a state that has some of the best cities for jobs, Arizona ranks among the top 10 in terms of the least amount of food waste. The state wastes an average of $845.82 worth of food per capita, which ranks ninth in America.

Least: Ohio

The Midwestern state of Ohio cracks the top 10 of states that waste the least amount of food. Ohio wastes an average of $851.44 worth of food per capita. One of the best things to do with food waste is to turn it into compost. After all, composting is a great way to improve your carbon footprint

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