Snapple Facts: Truth Or Fiction?

We've discussed the highly important issue of Snapple veracity before, but this immensely consequential concern bears some repeating: the real facts Snapple presents aren't always the most accurate. In fact, Snapple cap facts are occasionally downright, despicable lies. That's right: clutch your pearls, faint away, scream at the heavens — however you personally handle such betrayal, go ahead and show that your trust and faith in humanity is simply shattered.

Here's the deal: after a bout of thorough fact-checking, many Snapple facts did, in fact, prove themselves to be true, but not all Snapple facts can claim that they've been verified in the cold, reliable light of reality. Take Snapple Fact #31, for instance: "The average human will eat an average of eight spiders a year while asleep." Thanks to all that could be deemed right and good in the world, this "statistic" is not even remotely true.

As Rod Crawford, Curator of Arachnids at Seattle's Burke Museum, has previously noted in an article published by MentalFloss, spiders don't take too kindly to people's movements (including breathing) and tend to run from them. Spiders aren't going to gain much by being swallowed, and they are sensitive enough to avoid such an obvious blunder. Most people are not especially likely to swallow even one spider in a year, much less eight, fortunately.

Want to learn more about untrue Snapple facts? Read on here.

Jess Novak is the Drink Editor of Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @jesstothenovak