Snackshot Of The Day: Rack Of Lamb Au Poivre

Today Meal's editors, contributors, and readers dig into some pretty great restaurants, festivals, and meals. There's not always enough time to give a full review of a restaurant or describe in depth why a place, its food, and the people who prepare it are noteworthy, so Snackshot of the Day does what photographs do best, rely on the image to do most of the talking.

Today's Snackshot is of rack of lamb au poivre. It comes from contributor John Park. He says, "I recently attended a wine tasting dinner at The Landing Restaurant in Smith Mountain Lake, Va. One of the featured dishes was this Border Springs Farm Rack of Lamb au Poivre prepared by chef Bruno Silva. Perfectly grilled, moist, and super flavorful. The sauce brings the dish together nicely." John Park can be found here on Twitter and Facebook.

Read more about Today Meal's Snackshot feature. To submit a photo, email jbruce[at], subject: "Snackshots."

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