Snackshot Of The Day: Bagel With Lox

Today Meal's editors, contributors, and readers dig into some pretty great restaurants, festivals, and meals. There's not always enough time to give a full review of a restaurant or describe in depth why a place, its food, and the people who prepare it are noteworthy, so Snackshot of the Day does what photographs do best, rely on the image to do most of the talking.

Today's Snackshot is of a bagel with lox, caviar cream cheese, and capers from Russ and Daughters in New York City. This weekend, Jews will be fasting for Yom Kippur from Friday night to sundown on Saturday. When the fast is over, it is often tradition to break the fast with bagels and lox. Can you think of a better food to eat after not eating for 24 hours? Didn't think so.

Read more about Today Meal's Snackshot feature. To submit a photo, email jbruce[at], subject: "Snackshots." Follow Today Meal's photo editor Jane Bruce on Twitter.