Shakshuka Recipe

Shakshuka Recipe
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The name doesn’t really roll off the tongue on a hungover morning but this recipe, which uses a combination of eggs and spicy tomato sauce — similar to the Mexican huevos rancheros, though with a distinctively North African/Middle Eastern flavor — offers a memorably fiery blast-off to a day that might otherwise have proved drab and dull.Shakshuka is usually thought of as an Israeli breakfast dish, but in fact is eaten widely in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Yemen too. The only slightly unusual ingredient is the smoked paprika, which gives the tomato sauce a wonderful smoky richness.This version is quite spicy; if you prefer a milder dish, you can halve the quantities of jalapeño, pepper, and paprika. Click here to see the Eating Your Way Out of a Hangover story.
Shakshuka Recipe