Spinach Kale Broccoli Juice

Spinach Kale Broccoli Juice
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Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale and the cruciferous broccoli are rich in many antioxidants and are important in supporting visual wellness. Like beets, they contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which actually absorb blue light that would have been harmful to the retina. See 9 Drinks That Will Improve Your Eye Sight.
Spinach Kale Broccoli Juice
  • 1 cup kale and spinach mixture
  • 1 green apple (optional...to sweeten the juice)
  • 1-2 cup water (depending on what consistency you like)
  • 5 lightly steamed broccoli florettes
  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender until blended. Pour and serve.
  2. You may also chill for a few hours or add ice cubes.