Maple Syrup- And Ketchup-Marinated Chicken

Maple Syrup- And Ketchup-Marinated Chicken
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A frequent end-of-breakfast indulgence for me is making sure to slop up my bacon with the extra syrup and ketchup left on my plate (yes, I have ketchup with my eggs, and I definitely dip my bacon in syrup). When prompted with a maple syrup theme this week for Recipe SWAT Team, I couldn't help but think of ketchup, and decided to spare everyone else the joy of my little ketchup-bacon-and-syrup secret, instead opting to try making this duo into a marinade for chicken. The result? A pretty sweet, and delicious, barbecue sauce. Try it for yourself (and maybe add some hot sauce). Click here to see Cooking with Maple Syrup — 8 Recipes.
  • 3 chicken breasts, cut into strips
  • 1/2 cup medium amber maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  1. Place the raw chicken in a bowl, and cover with the syrup and ketchup. Make sure to flip each piece onto both sides and move the mixture to ensure that all pieces are covered. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  2. In a skillet, heat the butter and chicken over medium-high heat, turning over when the edges turn a firm white. Move chicken to the outer edges of the skillet while cooking, to accumulate sauce and color. When they've reached the desired color, rotate the chicken a few more times, making sure they are cooked through, about 10-12 minutes.