Maple Snow Cone: Sugar On Snow

Maple Snow Cone: Sugar On Snow
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This maple candy recipe, created in celebration of National Maple Syrup Day by Snowday Food Truck and inspired by a recipe from Pure Canada Maple, is kitchen science at its tastiest. Maple syrup is cooked in a saucepan then poured over shaved ice, causing it to crystalize. The result is a chewy, taffy-like maple candy.Click here for more of our best candy recipes.
  • 4 cup pure canadian maple syrup
  • 4 cup shaved ice (or snow)
  1. Heat the maple syrup in a large saucepan over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, lower the heat to keep the syrup warm while you divide the shaved ice between 6 to 8 bowls.
  2. Pour the maple syrup over the top of the shaved ice, dividing it equally.