How To Make Butter From Scratch

How To Make Butter From Scratch
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Use the highest quality cream to make awesomely delicious butter at home. Be sure to check out Today Meal's Video page for the how-to video.
  • 1 pint high quality heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  1. In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment pour the cream into the bowl and turn on to medium speed (to avoid splashing). Once the cream starts to thicken, turn up the speed to high.
  2. Whip on high until the milk solids separate from the whey, this many take several minutes. The cream will look chunky and when liquid starts to splatter out of the bowl, you’ll know its time to stop the mixer.
  3. Strain whey from the solid and begin to press the excess liquid out of the butter. Squeeze as much liquid as possible from the butter, this will make the texture better and the butter will last longer.
  4. Add salt and fold into the butter, distributing it evenly.