Griddled Corn And Bacon

Griddled Corn And Bacon
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Today Meal is spending football season getting favorite game-day and tailgating recipes from chef supporters of Taste of the NFL. This week, Chefs Bruce and Eric Bromberg of the popular Blue Ribbon restaurants share their recipe for recipe for griddled corn and bacon. With the sweetness of the corn and the delicious savory taste of bacon in each bite, this dish is sure to be a crowd pleasure.
Griddled Corn and Bacon
  • 8 cobs of corn
  • 1 pound bacon, cut into lardons
  1. Boil corn until fully cooked. Shock corn in cold water.
  2. Using a knife, remove the kernels from the corn.
  3. In a large cast iron skillet over medium heat, griddle your bacon until desired crispness.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove bacon and rest on plate with paper towel to absorb excess fat. Pour off the excess fat in the pan, reserving 2 tablespoons rendered bacon fat to cook the corn. Add the corn to the bacon fat and sauté over medium heat until heated through, about 1 minute.
  5. Toss with bacon and serve warm.