Classic Lemon Meringue Pie

Classic Lemon Meringue Pie
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When life gives you lemons...make pie! You can make this pie using store bought pie dough, pre-baked pie shells or go vintage and whip the pie crust up yourself. No matter which way you slice it, this a dessert recipe perfect for springtime.
Lemon Meringue
  • 1 (9-inch) pre-baked pie shell or make from scratch
  • 4 egg yolks (reserve whites for meringue)
  • 2 tablespoon butter
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • zest of one lemon
  • zest of one lemon
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 egg whites
  • 3 tablespoon of sugar
  • pinch of cream of tartar
  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks, set aside
  3. In a saucepan over medium heat, whisk the water, cornstarch, sugar and salt.
  4. Once the mixture comes to a boil, remove from heat and gradually add the cornstarch mixture to the egg yolks.
  5. Return the mixture to the stove and on a low heat, whisking constantly, add the butter, lemon juice and lemon zest until mixture becomes thick, about 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the mixture into your pre-baked pie crust.
  7. In a standing mixer, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until it forms soft peaks.
  8. Slowly add the sugar to your egg whites until the peaks become hard.
  9. Top the entire pie with this meringue mixture and bake at 375°F for about 10 minutes or until golden brown.
  10. Pie must cool completely before cutting.