Baby Banana, Mint, And Coconut Water Smoothie Recipe

Baby Banana, Mint, And Coconut Water Smoothie Recipe
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Mint leaves soothe the stomach and provide a fresh flavor, while hemp seeds contain substantial quantities of edible oils, proteins and the essential amino acids. Coconut water contains high levels of electrolytes, potassium, and other energizing vitamins and minerals. And all three are surging with antioxidants to keep you awake, healthy, and steadily recovering. This smoothie can give you all-day energy.
  • 5 frozen baby bananas
  • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves
  • 2 cup raw coconut water (i love harmless harvest)
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Add all ingredients to the blender and blend till smooth. This smoothie is so smooth and refreshing and makes a rather wonderful hangover cure.