Apple Oatmeal Chocolate Protein Bars

Apple Oatmeal Chocolate Protein Bars
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Although this dessert can be eaten after your meal, it's also great to eat as a post-workout snack. Kristin Reisinger, a sports nutritionist and competitive figure athlete, reported in Fitness Magazine that "protein helps to repair muscle tissue and to replenish glycogen stores." Click here to see the 10 Dessert Recipes for Diabetics (Slideshow)Photo Modified: Flickr/katie
Prep Time
Cook Time
Total time: 40 minutes
  • 2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed
  • 4 scoops about time whey chocolate protein powder
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, add more if mix is too dry
  1. Line an 8 inch square baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Use clean hands to mix the ingredients until they are well blended.
  3. Pour mixture into lined baking dish & smooth with the back of a spoon until even.
  4. Place in freezer for 30 minutes. Remove from the freezer and cut into 6 bars.