Oreos Caught In Gay Pride Facebook War

Looks like Starbucks isn't the only one showing some LGBT support; yesterday, Oreo posted a photo of a rainbow Oreo (which looks so bad, but so good) to "proudly support love!"

As usual, the response is mixed. There are the people thanking Oreo for their support of the gay community, and others planning to boycott the cookie. Really.

The photo has gotten more than 150,000 "likes", while others have commented, "Guess what I'm boycotting now? Don't get political, Oreo."

Naturally, the gay-friendly community has now taken over the page, with pro-gay comments like, "Thank you Oreo for supporting the gay community, even though cookies are empty calories I will buy a pack today! ;)"

There's even a Change.org petition to make the seven-layer rainbow Oreo real. So if you just really love the processed, creamy filling, get on it.

Jessica Chou is an associate editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @jesschou.