EXCLUSIVE: Thinking About Becoming A Vegan? PETA Will Match You With A Mentor

Today Meal has the exclusive on a brand-new mentorship program created by PETA, which aims to help aspiring vegans make the transition easier. Mentees are paired with vegan mentors who once went through a similar moral conundrum and had the same questions (like what the heck is seitan anyway?).

PETA describes the program an opportunity to give and get guidance on "shopping, cooking, dining, and anything else" related to living a vegan lifestyle.

"More than 1,000 people have already signed up for the program and are active, receiving dedicated care and support from PETA's vegan mentors," said Keith Burgeson, PETA's Vegan Mentor Program coordinator. "Going vegan is simpler than ever before, and the focus of our mentor program is to continue making the transition even easier."

PETA has published various personal testimonies that discuss how the program has changed people's lives.

You can also check out our beginner's guide to veganism here.