We Learned The Fate Of The Starbucks Barista Who Posted That Rant About Unicorn Frappuccinos

Now that the short-lived season of the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino has come and gone, and the Starbucks employees have (hopefully) washed their purple-stained fingers for the last time, we had to wonder: What happened to the barista who posted that epic rant?

Last week, Braden Burson, 19, posted a video tirade on Twitter that lamented his Unicorn Frappuccino-making fate. The video was soon taken down — whether by Burson himself or by Starbucks is unclear. Comments on the video speculated on whether or not the teenager would find himself terminated from his job.

However, a Starbucks spokesperson has confirmed with Today Meal that Burson is not going to be fired, and in fact the chain looks forward to working with Burson in the future on making the barista experience better:

"We've been thrilled with our customers' enthusiastic reaction and advocacy for the Unicorn Frappuccino; its fandom has exceeded everyone's expectations," a Starbucks spokesperson said in a statement. "Our goal is to ensure that both our customers and partners (employees/baristas) always have a positive experience at Starbucks. While we've seen tremendous positive feedback from both customers and partners (employees/baristas) on the Unicorn Frappuccino, we always listen to their feedback to determine what we can improve upon. We've reached out to this partner directly to talk about his experience and how to make it better."