Mountain Dew's Beloved Baja Blast May Be On Shelves Soon

Electric green beverage fans rejoice: the release of Baja Blast in a bottle might be official sometime in the near future.

If you're thirsty for Baja Blast, the hard-to-find cult-favorite Mountain Dew flavor that has previously only been sold by the cup at select Taco Bell locations, you may not have to wait much longer. Rumor has it that the "tropical lime storm" blue-green flavor known as Baja Blast may be bottled soon.

Instagram user ashlynavskum has leaked unofficial images of the beverage: including vending machines that say "Bring on Baja! Coming May 2014" and several bottles of the lime-flavored beverage.

While you're waiting for Baja Blast, make a Mountain Dew Cake with Today Meal recipe.

The swirl of rumors has created a serious outpouring of love online. One Twitter user says: "I will consume every bottle in the world!" And another says, "I'm no soda drinker, but I'm definitely gonna grab a Baja Blast."

So are the rumors true, or is this just another Internet scam? Mountain Dew was suspiciously tight-lipped, but a representative from Pepsi-Co said, "We appreciate all of the enthusiasm around Mountain Dew Baja Blast, but we're not able to comment on the speculation at this time." 

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Joanna Fantozzi is an Associate Editor with Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @JoannaFantozzi