Microwaved Poached Egg

Microwaved Poached Egg
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For a quick and easy poached egg, try cooking it in the microwave. Make sure to use a 1100W microwave and a 16-ounce capacity microwave-safe mug or bowl. Click here to see the Microwaved Poachd Egg (Slideshow)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  1. Place water in a microwave-safe mug or small bowl. Microwave mug of water, uncovered, for 90 seconds on 100 percent power. Carefully remove mug from microwave and add vinegar. Carefully crack egg into mug. Place paper napkin over mug. Return mug to microwave and microwave for 35 seconds on 80 percent power. Holding slotted spoon over sink, carefully pour contents of mug over spoon, catching the egg on the spoon. Use the napkin to blot excess water from egg.