Meme Of The Day: A Drunk Pretzel

Normally, Today Meal takes food pretty seriously. We offer amazing recipes, thoughtful critiques, and great entertaining advice. But every now and then, you have to laugh at yourself and your craft. Where do you do when you need a chuckle? To the Internet of course! The web has practically exploded with time-wasting ways to do just that. This is why we are presenting you with our favorite "meme of the day" in hopes of making you smile (and maybe making you a little bit hungry).

Today we have The Drunk Pretzel, who clearly forgot how to knot himself while baking. The "go home you're drunk" meme is the Internet's equivalent to the idiom "let's call it a day." The idea is to point out an extremely awkwardly placed or fashioned thing and accuse its awkwardness of being "drunk." You can actually find a more detailed history of the meme so you can fully understand how to apply it to the awkward things you happen to snap photos of.

Do you think you can come up with something better? Give it a try and email our Entertain editor your quippy pics at [email protected]. Make sure your submissions are all about food (and try to keep it clean, OK?).