McDonald's Gently Ousting Ronald McDonald For Fresher Image

McDonald's has seemingly increased its commitment to healthier menu options, or at least the appearance thereof, by gradually reducing the visibility of Ronald McDonald, the company's cheery mascot of more than five decades. In his place, McDonald's has turned the spotlight on its suppliers, the team of people responsible for providing McDonald's with its produce.

The new superstars, divided by produce, are apple supplier Mike Dietrich, fish supplier Kenny Longaker, beef supplier Steve Foglesong, lettuce supplier Dirk Giannini, and potato suppliers Frank Martinez and Jenn Bunger.

Each supplier has been introduced with a full-page spread and a video profile so you can get to know the farmer or fisherman behind your McDonald's order.

As for Ronald, I couldn't find him anywhere on the site (although I did discover that McDonald's has different websites for tweens and Asians), although I suspect he's still lurking around here somewhere. Ronald remains the namesake behind the Ronald McDonald House Charities, which provide housing for families that have a young child in the hospital.

As McDonald's looks to keep up with the healthier preferences of consumers, it looks like the company is hoping to revitalize sales with a more wholesome image.  

Karen Lo is an associate editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @appleplexy