Man Eats At More Than 6,000 Chinese Restaurants And More News

Today Meal rounds up the biggest news in the food world.

Man Eats at Every Los Angeles Chinese Restaurant: David R. Chan, a man who cannot speak Chinese or use chopsticks, has eaten at more than 6,000 Chinese restaurants, complete with a spreadsheet documenting his reviews. He's only missing two restaurants in the Los Angeles area, "due to low interest." [LA Weekly]

Starbucks Shares Slide: After news hit that Starbucks is buying the San Francisco bakery La Boulange brand, the coffee chain's shares dropped 4 percent. [Forbes]

'Edible Stop Signs' Help People to Eat Healthy: A new study found that adding in red chips every seventh or 14th chip made subjects eat 50 percent less than the norm. [New York Daily News]

Taste for Junk Food May Start at Womb: Sadly, another study found that pregnant rats who were fed a high-fat and sugar diet often had offspring predisposed to obesity (due to a high-fat diet). [Fox News]

Foodzie Sells: Gourmet marketplace and subscription service Foodzie was bought by Joyus, a video eCommerce site. [TechCrunch]