Make Dinner More Interesting — 8 Great Side Dish Recipes

Just when you thought you had figured out what to make for dinner, you suddenly realize that you forgot to plan a side dish recipe to use. No sweat. Instead of turning to the usual boring potato recipes, rice recipes, or vegetable side dishes, try our inspired takes instead. This week, Today Meal staff and members of the Culinary Content Network created eight original, interesting side dish recipes for you to try at home. Check out the highlights below.

Click here to see the Make Dinner More Interesting — 8 Great Side Dish Recipes Slideshow

All of the recipes featured here can be made at home for about $17 or less, excluding the cost of small amounts of basic ingredients such as butter, oil, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, and other dried herbs and spices.

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.