How To Make Your Own Sprinkles At Home

Your cake is in the oven and the buttercream frosting is chilling in the fridge. Now, all of you have to worry about is finding those bottles of sprinkles you bought ages ago... or do you?

See How to Make Your Own Sprinkles at Home

Baking is a process that we all take pride in because it's a labor of love. From sifting the flour to beating in one egg at a time, the patience and diligence it takes to put together a cake, cupcake, cookie, or pie, makes the end result that much better.

For Even More Sprinkles, See Our Gorgeous Guide to Sprinkles

Because we're always proponents for things you can do in the comfort of your own kitchen, we say that you shouldn't just stop at the batter and the frosting when you're baking,

because you can make sprinkles at home, too. With just a few simple ingredien

ts from your pantry and a knack for mixing and matching food coloring, you can have jimmies, dots, or even hearts on hand for decorating. With all of that love and care baking away in the oven, why use store-bought sprinkles to give it some color? 

Anne Dolce is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @anniecdolce