How To Make A Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll At Home

Sure, it's easy enough to walk into a mall and shell out $3 to $4 for a classic cinnamon roll at Cinnabon, but what if you could make a version at home that was better than the original and lower in calories? It sounds too good to be true.

Click here to see How to Make a Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll at Home

But Devin Alexander, author of Fast Food Fix and the Biggest Loser series of cookbooks, has done just that. She says:

"My version of the Cinnabon has also become the recipe in the book [Fast Food Fix] that I've used to prove to skeptics that, in fact, these [fast-food] recipes can be duplicated to satisfy cravings with a fraction of the fat and calories of their original counterparts. Though I believe many of the [other] recipes [in the book] truly duel the originals, this one happens to travel much better than many since it doesn't need to be hot. The rolls are just fine if they sit at room temperature for several hours."

On top of the perks of being able to bring these cinnamon rolls to, say, a picnic, without diminishing their taste, they also have fewer calories (442 calories per serving versus Cinnabon's 880 calories) and less fat (a mere 6 grams of fat versus a whopping 36).

Now do we have your attention?

We thought so.

Give these a shot over the weekend and get ready to enjoy some freshly baked, ooey-gooey goodness on a lazy Sunday morning without the guilt.

Click here to see the cinnamon roll recipe

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.