How To Make Chili

Whether you like it mild or red hot, chili is a cold-weather favorite. And, chances are good you've come across quite a few different chili recipes. Regardless of whether you want to make a chicken chili or a more traditional red chili with beef, there are a few basic steps you should always follow.

• To make a meat-based chili, start by browning the meat and draining off any excess fat that remains after the chili is cooked.  
• If you're adding vegetables to your chili (like onions or peppers), sauté them until they're translucent then add them to the chili meat.
• After the meat is fully cooked (and any vegetables have been added) simmer the mixture for at least one an hour with tomato sauce and spices, adding small amounts of water to the chili periodically, if needed.
• If you're adding beans to your chili, add them at the end of the cooking process.

Click here for our best chili recipes.

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.