How To Grill Pizza

If you're craving pizza with a crispy crust and delicious charred spots on the bottom, then grilling is the way to go. It might seem intimidating at first, but with a few simple tricks, some best grilling recipes, and a little know-how, grilling pizza is quite easy. It won't be as simple as ordering take-out, but follow these tips and these taste will far out rank delivery.

First, start with a hot grill. The grill gets much hotter than the oven, hence the charred bits that make thin crust so delicious. Heat your grill to about 600 degrees Fahrenheit (with the lid on). Next, prep your dough. You can use store-bought dough or homemade pizza dough. Stretch it out to a thin circle or as close to a circle as you can, and gently brush both sides with olive oil.

Remove the lid from the grill and lay the dough directly onto the grill. Cook the dough for about three minutes, checking underneath to make sure it doesn't brown too much. Flip the dough over and add your toppings. Do this fairly quickly so the dough doesn't burn. Spread a thin layer of sauce, add the cheese, and then add any other toppings that you like. Be careful not to overload the pizza with too many toppings. Put the lid back on and cook for about five minutes until the edges are crisp and the cheese is melted. Try adding different toppings to make a grilled chicken pizza or a grilled pizza salad.

So, next time you are firing up the grill, consider a pizza. It's not as hard as you think and the thin and crispy crust can't beat any other pizza.

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.