What Is An RXBAR? (With 10 Reasons Why You Should Try One)

Yeah, yeah, we know: We've already told you that most protein bars are just glorified candy bars. Most of the health bars that you can find in convenience stores are riddled with sugar and contain incredibly long lists of ingredients which are made up of endless amounts of science-words that we're not book-smart enough to pronounce. If you're a true nutritional nut, then you'll probably save those kinds of bars for a cheat meal or you'll exclude them from your diet altogether. What's a health enthusiast to do if he or she wants some high-quality grab-and-go 'tein? Enter RXBARs: the latest, greatest, and healthiest protein bar that you may not have heard of.

Click here for RXBAR.com

Please, please don't get it twisted: We're dolphinately not talking about those MET-Rx bars which are so calorie-dense that you'd probably sink to the bottom of the ocean if you ate one while swimming with your pod. We're talking about RXBARs, simpler, healthier protein bars that you can enjoy without fearing for your floatability. Here's why we think you should try one of these nutritious and chewy treats:

Cool, Hip, Simple Packaging
Take one look at the RXBAR lineup and you'll see some genius package design in action. For anyone who's into simplistic eating, the ingredient list (including quantities of each ingredient like "6 Cashews," "14 Peanuts," or "3 Egg Whites") on the front of the bar is an immediate draw. Each flavor has its own matte-looking color in addition to a simple, easily identifiable logo on the bottom right of the package. They certainly fit into the trendy style of minimalist advertising that can appeal to nearly anyone.

Nine Awesome Flavors
Today Meal's editorial staff was lucky enough to receive a box teeming with more RXBARs than we knew what to do with. (Entering the first person here: I, Christian Kogler, am a huge RXBAR fan and I knew exactly what to do with them... eat as many as I could immediately.) The standout flavor according to our editorial staff poll is Peanut Butter. We also highly enjoyed Blueberry, Chocolate Sea Salt, and Mint Chocolate. Other RXBAR flavors include Coconut Chocolate, Coffee Chocolate, Apple Cinnamon, and, for all of our basic boys and girls out there, Pumpkin Spice (I've had it and, basically, it's phenomenal). It's almost unbelievable that such an incredible mouthfeel and such delicious flavor profiles can come from bars that nearly all have far less than 10 ingredients.

Incredibly Simple Ingredients
Looking at the ingredients list of Today Meal's favorite RXBAR flavor, Peanut Butter, will make your jaw drop. The list is comprised of dates, egg whites, peanuts, peanut oil, and sea salt. Nothing more, nothing less — that's five simple, nutritious ingredients. Pumpkin Spice has the most ingredients. Its 10 ingredients are dates, egg whites, almonds, cashews, pumpkin, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice; there's nothing to cause you nutritional pause there, though. We'd like a little more label transparency when it comes to "Natural Coconut Flavor," "Natural Coffee Flavor," and "Natural Chocolate Flavor," but on the whole we're 99 percent stoked by the simplicity (and taste) of RXBAR ingredients.

No Added Sugar
When huge companies like KIND start to cut added sugars from their bars, you better believe that there's been a consumer outcry for change. RXBARs have never contained added sugars. Instead, they gather their sweet flavor naturally from dates. These small, plum-like fruits are rich in fiber, potassium, and copper, and they're known for promoting digestive health, boosting brain health, reducing blood pressure, and fighting inflammation. A few of us here at Today Meal (shout out to our amazing copy editor Dane Feldman) just enjoyed a Chocolate Sea Salt RXBAR; each of these bars has 22 grams of carbohydrates (four grams from dietary fiber and 12 from sugar). While other protein bars often tip the scales at 50-or-so grams of added sugars and various other carbs, RXBARs keep it as healthy and natural as can be.

No Gluten
In addition to dairy, gluten has been a big point of contention amongst many healthy eaters over the past few years. While some people actually have an allergy or intolerance, it often feels like going gluten-free is a decision made based on trendiness rather than measurable health benefits. Regardless, if you're someone who wants to set Gluten City on fire, you'll find that RXBARs can be your newest ally.

No Soy
Some people believe that, in addition to a bunch of other negative effects, soy may stunt your growth. While soy can function as a dairy alternative, if you're looking for sustainable milk, a newly invented pea milk may prove much more eco-friendly than soy milk. Luckily, RXBARs will allow you to grow to your fullest potential while avoiding the negative environmental ailments associated with growing soy as they contain none of the evil plant. We suggest enjoying your bar with a glass of pea milk if you have the planet's welfare in mind.

Soy is one of the most commonly genetically modified crops. RXBARs not only contain no soy, but they also are free of all other GMO ingredients.

Paleo & Whole30 Compliant
It recently came to light that the Paleo and Whole30 diets may not be as healthy as we once thought, but there's nothing unhealthy about eating a Paleo- and Whole30-friendly bar. It's what our ancient ancestors would have done (we think).

RXBARs are made without the inclusion of preservatives, a feature that does nothing but bolster their healthy profile.

Protein From Eggs, Not Dairy
Does cow's milk make your tummy feel funny? Don't fret: RXBARs are all free of any ingredients that contain dairy. While many protein bars rely on whey protein, these are fueled by egg white protein (sorry, vegans). Egg whites contain one of the most bioavailable sources of protein, meaning that our bodies can absorb their protein more readily than the protein found in foods like beans, rice, and peanuts. Each bar has 12 grams of highly bioavailable protein.

Learn More at RXBAR.com