Why You Should Eat An Apple A Day, According To Science Gallery

Everyone's heard the phrase: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! And when you look at the science, this old adage might actually ring true. Apples aren't the only thing you need to eat to support your healthy lifestyle — eating an apple alongside a diet that otherwise consists of just junk foods isn't going to cure all. But it can definitely help!

Apple season is one of the first markers that summer is over. One of America's favorite ways to celebrate the season, apple picking (and baking apple-filled desserts with your winnings), is arguably one of the best things about fall. Apples have given us more than just pies. They've also given us hot apple cider, apple juice, applesauce, and other great foods. No matter how you slice it, eating an apple is a good idea.

But the most classic way to eat an apple is just to bite it (just make sure you wash it off first!). And every time you do, you don't only get a sweet, delicious snack — you also get these 11 great health benefits.

They can make you smarter

Is that why we're always giving them to teachers? No — that connection is way weirder. But according to research from 2006, apples could help to boost your brain health and improve memory. An apple a day could keep dementia away!

They’re good for your gut

If you've heard about probiotics, it's time you learn about prebiotics — also super beneficial for maintaining your gut health. Probiotics are the "good" gut bacteria thriving in your tummy; prebiotics feed those little bacteria. Apples contain pectin, a fiber that works as a prebiotic.

They can help boost immunity

Better immunity means a lower chance of getting sick. Colds and viruses are never a good time. Good thing apples are in peak season just in time for flu season! Apples contain vitamin C, which can help to boost immunity. Your body can't make vitamin C on its own; your supply of this essential nutrient needs to come from your diet. Oranges get all the attention for supplying vitamin C, but adding an apple to your day can help, too — as can eating these other immune-boosting foods.

They’re good for your heart

If their taste alone isn't enough to make you fall in love, this added benefit might help. The fall fruit can actually help your heart health; the fibers and antioxidants in apples work their magic and lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease according to some studies.

They can lower your blood pressure

Apples are plump with antioxidants, including flavonoids that act as ACE inhibitors. These compounds can help prevent hypertension alongside a healthy diet. Apples also have an impressive amount of potassium, the key to maintaining a low blood pressure diet.

They can reduce your risk of diabetes

Next time your sweet tooth strikes, consider biting into an apple. This sweet snack could actually help prevent Type 2 diabetes, according to some studies.

They can reduce your risk of cancer

No matter if you're munching on a Red Delicious or a Honey Crisp, choosing an apple can help cut your cancer risk. The phytochemicals in each bite can help to mitigate the risk of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and various cancers of the throat and mouth, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

They’re good for your bones

Calcium isn't the only thing your bones need to stay strong — they also benefit from anti-inflammatory compounds, which can preserve bone density by preventing damage. Studies show that all kinds of fruit can lead to healthier bones. But one study looked at apples specifically and found that women who ate an apple, apple juice, or applesauce with their meal lost less calcium than a group of women who didn't.

They help your digestion

The flesh of an apple is loaded with dietary fiber; as long as you're eating the fruit and not just drinking apple juice, you're getting a good amount of this essential nutrient. Fiber helps keep your digestion running smoothly, as well as reduces the risk of high cholesterol and other health problems.

They can help whiten your teeth

Seriously, just eat more apples. Even your dentist will thank you! The fruit actually has antibacterial properties that can help clean your teeth naturally (though you still definitely need to brush). Apples can also help to increase secretion of saliva, which fights off bad bacteria naturally.

They’re good for your skin

A crisp, cool apple can help keep your skin looking young. The same antioxidants that stave off cancer by shooing away free radicals can also help prevent wrinkles and other age-related changes to your skin. Eating more apples can help maintain your bright complexion, and these other healthy foods can, too!

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