3 Signs You're Not Eating Enough For The Way You Exercise

If you are trying to lose weight, you're told to increase your exercise and lower your calorie intake. However, if your calorie intake slips too low, you will not have enough energy for exercise and you will spread yourself too thin. If you are experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, trouble sleeping, or constipation, start adding healthy calories to your daily intake.

Click here for the Starting a New Exercise Program? Don't Make These Dietary Mistakes slideshow.

You're Not Losing Weight

When you're at the gym every day and not seeing any results, it could be enough for you to overthrow your healthy lifestyle all together. A low-calorie diet may seem reasonable but if it is paired with intense exercise, you start to affect your metabolism. Your thyroid and sex hormones will be affected in order to compensate the major change you are introducing to your body, according to Chris Kresser. Creating smaller deficits in your caloric intake, such as 300 or 500 calories a day can aid in weight loss.

Your Blood Sugar Is All Over the Place

When you are not eating enough, you can experience the symptoms of low blood sugar such as hunger, anxiety, dizziness, weakness, and mood changes. Under-eating can increase the risk of developing hypoglycemia, and it is a higher risk when combined with high exercise.

You Experience Major Mood Swings

Whether you want to believe it or not, feeling "hangry" is a real thing. Eating the right food at the right time can affect your blood sugar, which then affects your mood. Your appetite can even be manipulated by your emotions. When your blood sugar is low, your brain suffers, which affects your ability to deal with stress and refrain from aggressive behavior, according to Kresser.

The accompanying slideshow is provided by fellow Today Meal editorial staff member Lauren Gordon.