Proposed Bill Would Make NYC Health Inspectors Wear Cameras

In a move that would shift power back to the restaurateurs who feel powerless against New York City's health inspection system, Republican Councilman Vincent Ignizio of Staten Island has proposed a bill that would require health inspectors to videotape 10 percent of their inspections.

According to a report from Crain's New York Business, the program would be reviewed after a year, and is intended to help restaurant owners who want to dispute health code violations reported by the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene.

New York City's letter-graded restaurant rating system has received special attention lately following Cronut creator Dominique Ansel Bakery's recent shut down for a mouse infestation on April 4th. The famed bakery reopened its doors on Tuesday.

According to Crain's, New York City Hospitality Alliance has not pushed for the bill, but considers it an "an interesting idea." Instead, the trade group is pushing for a complete replacement of the existing system.

Adam D'Arpino is the Restaurants Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @AdamDArpino.